Guilty As Charged

A Gavinners Fan Album Project

Guilty As Charged: The Album is a music album project consisting of 6 fan-produced songs, accompanied with art, animatics, and merchandise! This album is aimed to be released in January 2026. The songs and some artwork will be available for free digitally, though we will also be producing physical CDs and merch! 

Applications for the project are now closed and we are in our music production phase

Project Schedule (tentative)


February 16th, 2025: Check- In: Composition + Lyrics First Draft

March 2nd, 2025: Feedback Deadline for Composition + Lyrics Drafts

April 13th, 2025: Check-In: Composition + Lyrics Final

April 27th, 2025: Feedback Deadline for Composition + Lyrics Finals

June 15th, 2025: Check-In: Vocals

June 29th, 2025: Feedback Deadline for Vocals

August 10th, 2025: Check-In: Production Draft

August 24th, 2025: Feedback Deadline for Production Draft

October 12th, 2025: Final Submissions - Music

October 26th, 2025: Final Submissions - No Submissions Past This Deadline!


May 4th, 2025: Song matching process begins 

May 11th, 2025: Song assignments released

June 15th, 2025: Check In 1 - Illustrations (Sketch or equivalent for animatic artists)

July 20th, 2025: Check In 2 - Illustrations (Lineart or equivalent for animatic artists)

August 24th, 2025: Check In 3 - Illustrations (Flat Colors or equivalent for animatic artists)

October 12th, 2025: Final submissions - Illustrations

October 26th, 2025: Final Submissions - No Submissions Past This Deadline!


November 2nd, 2025: Preorders Open // Formatting Period Begins

December 28th, 2025: Preorders Close

December 29th, 2025: Physicals Production and Shipping Begins

January 25th, 2026 (Tentative): Physicals Production and Shipping Ends // Formatting Period Ends

January 26th, 2026 (Tentative): Free Digital Release

January 27th, 2026 (Tentative): Leftovers Open Until Sold 


Is this a real project, or part of the in-universe bit?

While a lot of the marketing for this project is written with the in-universe lore in mind, this is a real project featuring real Ace Attorney fans. This project will be in line (to the best of our ability) to our in-universe lore, but there absolutely will be a real album released in January 2026, written, sung, and produced by the Ace Attorney fan community.

Why January 2026?

Since this is such an extensive project, it will be a much longer project than most zines to ensure that we're not creating a stressful environment for contributors and mods. Also, we know The Gavinners were on the Guilty As Charged tour in early 2026. A release date of January 2026 fits in perfectly with this timeline.

Do I need to be a professional to apply?

Absolutely not! This is a fan project, and we aim to make this as relaxed and fun as possible. This album will most likely not sound like a formal produced album. While we certainly would love if the songs sounded professional, and we will be striving for it, the main purpose of this project is to bring the fan community together through the medium of music, not to top charts.

Do I need prior experience to apply?

Nope! Again, prior experience is always welcome, and being able to prove that you're a reliable mod/contributor is always a good thing, but we recognize how closed-off the zine space has become recently. As such, as long as you have a sample of past work, even if they are personal projects and not part of a zine or a project, you are more than welcome to apply. The exception to this is our finance mod. We're not willing to take risks with people's money!

How old do I have to be to apply?

You have to be at least 15 years old by the time decisions are sent out.

Will NSFW content be allowed?

No. This album is aimed to be completely PG, PG-13 at most. As such, NSFW content, references to NSFW content, or even cussing (in the lyrics) beyond what would be allowed on a kids' channel will not be allowed. Since this project allows contributors as young as 15, we want to ensure it's a safe space for them.

Will OCs be allowed?

To keep in line with the lore of our universe, other Gavinners OCs are not allowed unless you know a way to fit them into the lore. You'll have to ask the mods on a case-by-case basis. OCs of non-Gavinners characters are welcome to be drawn or mentioned in songs, but you will still need to mention this when you pitch to the mods in order to make sure we've got our ducks in a row.

Will AI be used in this project?

The use of AI is strictly banned in this project. It is getting more and more difficult to discern AI from genuine art, but we will have a strict no AI policy. If a contributor is found to be using AI for this project, they will be removed from the project.

What about copyright?

Fan projects like this toe the line of copyright regardless, but we aim to have transformative, original work inspired by The Gavinners: we don't want to steal from anyone! As such, we will be strict in ensuring that all music is originally composed rather than taken from other artists. Contributors found plagiarizing will be removed from the project.

Where will the money go?

The majority of the price of the merch and album will go towards production costs. Any profit generated from the zine will be donated to Paani Project, a nonprofit which provides clean drinking water in rural areas of Pakistan. Paani Project was chosen as they build wells, which are a long-term solution to the water crisis, and they send images of completed wells so that donors can rest assured that the money is being used correctly.

What if I have another question not answered here?

We have a Retrospring you can send your questions to! You can also reach out to us @GavinnersBand on Twitter, GavinnersBand on Tumblr or via email at

Mod Team

A drawing of Kristoph Gavin, age 9, holding Klavier, aged 1.

Sunlight (any pronouns) - Head Mod

Sunlight is a writer who's been in the Ace Attorney fandom for nearly a decade. They started this project because they love Klavier Gavin and all things glimmerous! You can check out her Carrd here to get an idea of her history. She was the lead organizer for this website, and never stops thinking about The Gavinners.

Ao3: gavinnersworldtour
Twitter: GavinnersBand
Tumblr: GavinnersBand

An edited image of Daryan Crescend, giving him long bangs, and a sleeveless tank top.

Jupiter/Jupe (he/they) - General Mod

Jupe is a digital and traditional artist, trained vocalist, Daryan enthusiast, bartender, and full-time nuisance. They were the president of a large university organization for a few years, so he has plenty of experience with organization and project management.

Twitter: GalaxyCustoms22
Tumblr: bitchyfoxcandy
Reddit: JupesNotDead

Jess's icon, a person with fair skin and dark hair smirking at the camera. They're wearing glasses and a green shirt. The background is red.

Jess (she/her) - Music Mod

The ace’st attorney, Fuzzylilly1, fell into the detention center in 2018 through online playthroughs. Since then, she’s created staged choreography, cosplays, fandubs, art pieces, and more to get the gay lawyer itch out. She’s also a massive theatre nerd, and can’t wait to flex her musical theatre BFA for this project!

Instagram: Fuzzylilly1
Twitter: Fuzzylilly1
YouTube: Fuzzylilly1

A little orange thang with two big pigtails looking up.

PM (they/voi) - Socials and Organization Mod

PM is a part-time illustrator and game artist, full-time Klavier fan, if such an understatement could be made. They’ve been a 15+ time contributor and 5 time mod for zines, big and small, and are absolutely delighted to be taking part in this project!

Instagram: 2p42m
Tumblr: 2p42m

Cheeto Gavin with the burning guitar

Olivia/Olly (she/they) - Shipping and Finance Mod

Olly is the Shipping and Finance Mod for this project, and has run her own zine projects since 2018, including printed comics, merch, and charity digital releases. They dabble in many things, like art, animation, writing and crafts, and love going to AA meetups (especially cosplaying Klavier).

Tumblr: mylondinium
Twitter: disartster
YouTube: Livvy Hackett

Simon's icon, a person with gray hair and pointy ears, three blue circles on their forehead. They're dressed in a gray shirt, a black overshirt, has a gray whistle around their neck and a red cane in their hand. They seem annoyed. They are on a white background.

Simon (he/him) - Shipping Intern

Simon has been in the Ace Attorney fandom for 4+ years, and spends much of his time thinking about the Gavinners (whether he wants to or not). Much like droves of fangirls in-universe, they’ve made a home in his brain where they live rent-free. He’s super excited to be involved in this album!

Tumblr: AzazelsExile
Twitter: salmon_says22
Ao3: thehunterofyou

Katia's icon, a person stylized as an egg on a blue background with a dark blue hat that has yellow stars

Katia (she/they) - Formatting Mod

Katia is a full-time graphic designer who enjoys bringing their experience from publishing and advertising into the world of zines. With a lifetime love of music (beginning with a musician parent), she's excited to help bring to life a musical-based project around the iconic band of one of her favorite series. In their free time, they're an illustrator, cosplayer, and avid gamer, with a love for RPGs, horror, text-based IF, and visual novels. For a full list on their mod experience and links to socials/portfolio, check out their carrd here!

Tumblr: sunnysidemage
Twitter: sunnysidemage

Thank you for everything, Gavinners Gang! This is an insanely ambitious project, but we've seen what the fandom can create. This is going to be a lot of fun, and if you're interested in coming along for the ride, please follow us on Twitter to get the latest news on this project.